Words That Shape The World
Finding God in Disappointment – John Ortberg
Hey everybody. This is John Ortberg with a passage to wisdom. So glad you're tuning in, a special hi to anybody up in Seattle. I was up there with Scotty Scruggs and north row church where I got this cool sweatshirt and then group of pastors yesterday from my old...
A Worthy Dream – John Ortberg
Hey, this is John Ortberg. I don't wanna ask you, what do you dream about? Everybody has a dream. What's your dream. We can never stop dreaming no matter how old we become, we cannot must not stop dreaming. And what we dream about says a lot about who we are and who...
How to Cope with Irritating People – John Ortberg
Hey, this is John Ortberg. And I want to talk to you today about how to deal with irritating people. Do you have an irritating person in your life? Is there somebody where they've got habits? They've got attitudes, maybe it's their politics. Maybe it's somebody at...
How to Out-Do People – John Ortberg
Hey, this is John Ortberg, passage to wisdom, and I'm gonna get a new, uh, clip for my microphone. I promise you, I'm also standing a little bit too far away from the phone right now, but I'm doing that for a reason. I wanted you to see this very cool jacket that I...
God is great and God is good but where is God when I am suffering – John Ortberg
Hey, this is John overing. I'm glad you're joining me. When I was a kid growing up, sometimes, uh, families would say a prayer before meal that went, God is great. God is good. We thank him for our food. By his hand, we all are fed. Give us Lord our daily bread. And I...
How (and Why) to Be Jolly – John Ortberg
Hey, this is Joan Ortberg and the word for today is be jolly. And I know that's an unusual word. Doesn't get used much in our day. It's not at all. Cool. And it can sound trippy or saccharin. And I don't mean it to there's a particular reason why I'm using that word...
Don’t Aim at Being Unselfish – John Ortberg
Just for today, don't make your primary aim to be unselfish, make your primary aim to love. Those are two different things. And CS Lewis, we're in this journey together, passage to wisdom Lewis rice in a number of different places about how in our day, often the...
The Center CAN Hold – John Ortberg
What do you do when everything's falling apart, when it feels like my life is crumbling? We'll say things in those moments like, "I just can't hold it together," or, "I feel like I'm coming unglued." Things that indicate because I've known moments like that, not just...
Should Christians live to work? The answer may surprise you
Phillip Jensen, dean of St Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney, Australia, is preaching a topical series on work at the moment, with some typically thought-provoking insights. One sermon in particular, on ‘Work-life balance’, grabbed my attention. Should we seek a ‘work-life...
50+ Random Times To Pray Throughout The Day
Prayer is one of the most important parts of our faith and individual relationship with God. It allows us to seek Him on an intimate level, giving us the opportunity to open our hearts and show our dependence on Him. I know that sometimes we can struggle to bring...
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