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How (and Why) to Be Jolly – John Ortberg

How (and Why) to Be Jolly – John Ortberg

Hey, this is Joan Ortberg and the word for today is be jolly. And I know that’s an unusual word. Doesn’t get used much in our day. It’s not at all. Cool. And it can sound trippy or saccharin. And I don’t mean it to there’s a particular...
Don’t Aim at Being Unselfish – John Ortberg

Don’t Aim at Being Unselfish – John Ortberg

Just for today, don’t make your primary aim to be unselfish, make your primary aim to love. Those are two different things. And CS Lewis, we’re in this journey together, passage to wisdom Lewis rice in a number of different places about how in our day,...
The Center CAN Hold – John Ortberg

The Center CAN Hold – John Ortberg

What do you do when everything’s falling apart, when it feels like my life is crumbling? We’ll say things in those moments like, “I just can’t hold it together,” or, “I feel like I’m coming unglued.” Things that indicate...